Rodgers Creek Fault Zone Revisions in Preliminary Stage

New Fault Zones Released by The California Geological Survey
The California Geological Survey released preliminary Earthquake Fault Zone maps on August 24, 2023. After a public review period, the official version of the map is expected to become official on February 22, 2024. The proposed revisions have significantly increased the width of the fault zone in areas just north of Santa Rosa and south of San Pablo Bay. The fault zone is currently about 1,100 feet wide in most areas, but the revised maps have expanded the fault zone width to about 2,500 feet or more in certain regions.
The Rodgers Creek Fault is considered a northern extension of the Hayward Fault that runs from the Hollister area to San Pablo Bay. The state has been re-evaluating various strands of the southern Rodgers Creek fault using high-resolution imagery and recent fault studies conducted in Sonoma County. Once the maps become official, the new zoning will be reflected in HomeGuard Natural Hazard Disclosure Reports.
HomeGuard Incorporated Natural Hazard Disclosure Reports
If you would like either an in-office or Zoom presentation about this new information, please contact HomeGuard NHD’s Vice President of Disclosure Services Ted Stephanos at or 408-690-2149.