Category: Guest CA Attorney Blogs
Yikes, I’ve Been Yelped! What Recourse Do I Have?
For a real estate professional, minimizing, much less avoiding or resolving, the potential fallout from a negative Yelp review has never been easy. Unlike a restaurant or a service provider (e.g., cleaners) who can communicate with their customer to apologize, explain, and/or offer another meal, gift certificate, or a re-do on any service, the typical…
PRDS Introduces Its Broker Compensation Advisory
by David Hamerslough This month, PRDS is introducing its Broker Compensation Advisory (“BCA”). C.A.R. is also introducing a broker compensation advisory this month. Both organizations are in the process of creating additional forms or revising existing forms to address the impact of the practice changes required by the settlement that N.A.R. reached in the class-action…
New Laws For 2024
The California legislature has passed a number of new laws that will impact real estate transactions and activities in 2024.
Where’s the TOPA?
by David Hamerslough If you subscribe to the rule that one claim is an anomaly, two are a coincidence, and three are a trend, then you should read this article. Within the last 45 days, I have worked on three claims involving tenant-occupied property transactions. In each claim, the C.A.R. RPA was used, but no…
Reading The Tea Leaves: Some Issues I Consider When Reviewing a Seller’s Disclosure Document
As a lawyer, my review of a seller’s disclosure documents is often in conjunction with claims involving lack of disclosure or with disputes.
PRDS Forms Update
The PRDS Forms Committee is in the process of revising its Buyer Representation And Broker Compensation Agreement, introducing a new Buyer’s Needs And Wants Assessment form (BNW) that can be used with or without the representation agreement, and updating its Market Conditions Advisory (MCA).
Buyer Representation And Broker Compensation Agreements Revisited (Part 2)
C.A.R.’s newly released Buyer Representation and Broker Compensation Agreement (“BRBC”) and some of the issues to consider when using that form.
Market Conditions Advisory – Spring 2023
This article highlights some of the claims that I and other qualified California real estate attorneys have seen in recent months.
What’s New With PRDS Forms?
Over the last six months, the PRDS Forms Committee has revised some of its existing forms and created several new forms.