Category: Guest CA Attorney Blogs
More Revisions to PRDS Forms
Last month’s article discussed revisions to some of the PRDS forms, including the REPC. This month’s article completes the discussion of recent revisions to the PRDS forms.
Additional Revisions To The C.A.R. Residential Purchase Agreement (RPA)
In this month’s article California real estate attorneys will complete the discussion of recent revisions to the CAR RP agreement.
California Home Inspection Company Shares CAR RPA Update
C.A.R. typically revises its forms, including the Residential Purchase Agreement (“ RPA”) in December. This article will discuss some of the anticipated revisions.
Top “Gotchas” For Buyers and Sellers In Today’s Real Estate Market
Unfortunately, “gotchas” often result in buyers and sellers having to adjust their expectations, which in turn can cause them to bring claims against each other
“The Absence of Loan Terms in the Financing Clause has No Potential Impact on the Buyer or Seller” and Other Urban Myths in Today’s Real Estate Market
This list is by no means complete, nor is the reality a substitute for a thorough analysis of the facts, law, and equities associated with any situation.
“Nothing To Note” (Looking But Not Seeing?)
Do real estate licensees spend as much time on their visual inspection reports of a property as we all do when scrutinizing ourselves?
Does The C.A.R. Contract Reward A Buyer Who Fails To Make Their Initial Deposit?
HomeGuard Incorporated provides home inspections, roof inspections, termite inspections, sewer lateral inspections, and pool/spa inspections as well as Natural Hazard Disclosure reports for realtors.
Revisiting the Identification, Disclosure, and Production of Historical Documents
With respect to documents that are in the possession, custody, and control of the seller, one way to categorize these historical documents is as follows.
Will The Cancellation Epidemic Ever End?
I’d like to tell you that this was all an April Fool’s joke, but the most common claim involved cancellations by buyers and disputes over the deposit.