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Avoid DIY Renovation Mistakes. Tips from Your California Home Inspector

california home inspection company diy tips

Renovating the Right Way

When you are renovating your home, proper planning can make all the difference on the outcome. By avoiding some of the most common DIY renovation mistakes, you may ensure that the planning and production phases go smoothly. The following are some tips worth considering as you prepare to give your home a makeover.

Put in the Research

Before you make any decision during the home renovation process, be sure that you have researched the issue. Are you planning to paint the interior in a new hue? If so, don’t simply opt for the first brand or color that seems appealing; that could ultimately result in the need to repaint sooner than you should. Instead, explore the kinds of paint that will best suit your purposes. If you apply this type of reasoning to each decision along the way, you will be less likely to regret the choices you make.

Be Realistic with Your Budget

Although you might dream about adding another level to your house, you may need to find an alternative if your budget doesn’t allow for it. You might opt to refurbish your basement instead of adding a second floor.

Another mistake to avoid is underestimating costs. If you decide to use contractors for some parts of your project, don’t assume that their initial quotes are what you will pay when the job is done. In many cases, the original projections need to be modified, and that can add up to a higher bill in the end. The same principle is true when you do everything yourself; your first cost estimates might not reflect what you actually need to pay overall.

Don’t Attempt to Do It All at One Time

It’s easy to fantasize about giving your home a complete face-lift but that kind of endeavor can be quite expensive, time-consuming, and stressful. It might be more feasible to implement the renovation phases over a few years. You may want to consider working on reassessing your vision after each project has been completed.

Home Inspections Will Uncover Many DIY Renovation Mistakes

You don’t want a DIY home renovation (gone wrong) getting in the way of your home sale. Finishing a project correctly the first time will save you the headache down the road. Once you are ready to sell your home HomeGuard has you covered, providing a variety of home inspections in Sacramento, Novato, San Jose and the whole Bay Area as well as San Diego county. Call us today at (855) 331-1900 to schedule a home, roof, or termite inspection.
