Spring Season Landscaping Ideas You’ll Love (Even if You Don’t Like Doing Yard Work)

Many California homeowners delight in the vibrant landscapes of spring. This does not mean, however, that every resident enjoys doing the work required to produce these gorgeous displays! Whether you don’t have the time to commit to an elaborate landscaping theme, or you simply would rather not spend much time working on the yard, you can still enjoy the fruits of a little horticultural effort. Use the following tips to update your property for spring, with minimal work and time commitment involved.
Awesome Landscaping Ideas for Spring
Express Yourself
Your yard is the perfect canvas for expressing your inner artist. If gardening doesn’t particularly excite you, use a focal point that has a special meaning for you. You might repurpose a red wagon the kids have outgrown into a planter in the middle of your front or side yard. You could also spend a day browsing yard sales or antique stores, until you find an item that would be ideal for your property. Then, install a few plants around it.
Leverage Drought Conditions
Living in any part of California means planting with drought conditions in mind. If the thought of an intricate residential landscape is daunting to you, this factor can actually work to your advantage. Instead of planting a world of thirsty greenery, try using drought-resistant, low-maintenance plants, and even colorful mulch. An added bonus is that mulch can help keep plants healthy when water conservation is a must.
Create Some Definition
Many gardens lack clearly defined boundaries, which can make your landscaping seem dull or unorganized. Adding edging to your outdoor space does not need to involve more plant life. Instead, establish some definition with objects that appeal to your sense of aesthetics. You could surround one area with decorative stones, as an example.
Plant a Tree
You don’t need to transform your space into an orchard, but you could plant one or two trees. A single tree can give new life to almost any yard. Trees are generally low maintenance, as well, so you can virtually plant one and (almost) forget about it.
Not everyone enjoys digging in the dirt and planting the perfect landscape. But, you don’t have to be an avid gardener to take a few key steps to enjoy a lovely yard this spring.
Contact HomeGuard, a California Home, Roof and Termite Inspection Company
If you’re planning to sell or buy a home, you probably have a landscaping project in mind to improve its look. But remember to hire a reputable home, roof and pest inspector to give the property a more fundamental review. HomeGuard provides home, roof and pest inspections in Novato, San Jose, Sacramento, the Livermore Tri-Valley, Modesto/Stockton and San Diego, California. Feel free to contact us today for more information.