Tag: attorney
Yikes, I’ve Been Yelped! What Recourse Do I Have?
For a real estate professional, minimizing, much less avoiding or resolving, the potential fallout from a negative Yelp review has never been easy. Unlike a restaurant or a service provider (e.g., cleaners) who can communicate with their customer to apologize, explain, and/or offer another meal, gift certificate, or a re-do on any service, the typical…
What Is My Exit Strategy? Why A Seller Should Evaluate This Issue Before Listing And Selling A Property
The National Association of Realtors (NAR) settlement of the class-action litigation regarding, among other things, offers of compensation through the MLS may cause sellers to evaluate a number of issues.
PRDS Introduces Its Broker Compensation Advisory
by David Hamerslough This month, PRDS is introducing its Broker Compensation Advisory (“BCA”). C.A.R. is also introducing a broker compensation advisory this month. Both organizations are in the process of creating additional forms or revising existing forms to address the impact of the practice changes required by the settlement that N.A.R. reached in the class-action…
Reading The Tea Leaves: Some Issues I Consider When Reviewing a Seller’s Disclosure Document
As a lawyer, my review of a seller’s disclosure documents is often in conjunction with claims involving lack of disclosure or with disputes.
Buyer Representation And Broker Compensation Agreements Revisited (Part 2)
C.A.R.’s newly released Buyer Representation and Broker Compensation Agreement (“BRBC”) and some of the issues to consider when using that form.
Market Conditions Advisory – Spring 2023
This article highlights some of the claims that I and other qualified California real estate attorneys have seen in recent months.
Additional Revisions To The C.A.R. Residential Purchase Agreement (RPA)
In this month’s article California real estate attorneys will complete the discussion of recent revisions to the CAR RP agreement.
Top “Gotchas” For Buyers and Sellers In Today’s Real Estate Market
Unfortunately, “gotchas” often result in buyers and sellers having to adjust their expectations, which in turn can cause them to bring claims against each other
“The Absence of Loan Terms in the Financing Clause has No Potential Impact on the Buyer or Seller” and Other Urban Myths in Today’s Real Estate Market
This list is by no means complete, nor is the reality a substitute for a thorough analysis of the facts, law, and equities associated with any situation.