Tag: guest blog
Yikes, I’ve Been Yelped! What Recourse Do I Have?
For a real estate professional, minimizing, much less avoiding or resolving, the potential fallout from a negative Yelp review has never been easy. Unlike a restaurant or a service provider (e.g., cleaners) who can communicate with their customer to apologize, explain, and/or offer another meal, gift certificate, or a re-do on any service, the typical…
What Is My Exit Strategy? Why A Seller Should Evaluate This Issue Before Listing And Selling A Property
The National Association of Realtors (NAR) settlement of the class-action litigation regarding, among other things, offers of compensation through the MLS may cause sellers to evaluate a number of issues.
Smart Home Plumbing: Top Tech Hacks to Save Money and Water
Whether you’re looking for smart solutions for everyday use or seeking plumbing repair, these innovations can save money, conserve water, and reduce their environmental footprint.
PRDS Introduces Its Broker Compensation Advisory
by David Hamerslough This month, PRDS is introducing its Broker Compensation Advisory (“BCA”). C.A.R. is also introducing a broker compensation advisory this month. Both organizations are in the process of creating additional forms or revising existing forms to address the impact of the practice changes required by the settlement that N.A.R. reached in the class-action…
Six Essential Steps to Prepare for a Move
Moving to a new home marks an exciting chapter in life, but it can also be daunting. With preparation and organization, you can streamline the moving process
Creating Safe Havens: Architectural Designs that Protect Against Natural Disasters
When we think about design, it’s not just about aesthetics or functionality. It’s an approach incorporating safety, resilience, and environmental harmony.
Empowering Off-Grid Communities: The Potential of Solar Home Systems for Remote Areas
With the addition of a battery bank for energy storage, these solar energy storage systems provide a constant flow of power, empowering individuals and communities in remote locations.
Reading The Tea Leaves: Some Issues I Consider When Reviewing a Seller’s Disclosure Document
As a lawyer, my review of a seller’s disclosure documents is often in conjunction with claims involving lack of disclosure or with disputes.
Home Damage Warning Signs You Can’t Ignore
If you aren’t sure where to start, hire a reputable home and termite inspector who can give you a professional and knowledgeable assessment of your home’s health.