Home Inspection Warning Signs to Spot Before You Buy

Home Inspections and Research Reveal Potential Problems
When you find a home for sale that really appeals to you, it may be tempting to make an offer as soon as possible. However, taking some time to thoroughly consider a house and its neighborhood could pay off in the long run. A property that looks great on the surface may be less than desirable once you examine it beyond what is immediately visible. Just as a professional home inspection is a must, giving your new-home search plenty of time and effort is advisable. Below, you will find issues that could be lurking about some of the homes currently on the market.
Outdated or Unclean
If an older home has not been updated in decades, you will likely find yourself paying for upgrades or replacements to important components, such as the roof, the plumbing, the wiring, and the HVAC system. In all probability, you will most likely need to replace major appliances, including the washer and dryer, the dishwasher, oven, and the refrigerator.
A less obvious sign that you may have such expenses to look forward to is a home that is dirty and unkempt. If the sellers are unconcerned about showing a house in its best possible condition, there could easily be more serious underlying problems that they haven’t addressed.
Neighboring Properties
Even if you have found a place that seems perfect, take some time to research the neighborhood. Is the street the only residential one amid a network of commercial properties? If so, this could affect your quality of living and even your overall safety.
Perhaps a home you’re viewing is in excellent shape, but some of the neighbors’ homes and yards are in an obvious state of neglect. This could actually bring down the value of your property when you’re ready to sell.
Using Your Other Senses
Although a house may have few or no visible flaws, that doesn’t mean none exist. Do you detect any unusual odors, such as mildew or animal urine? Are there many loud noises that you might find bothersome, such as dogs barking incessantly or a seemingly endless barrage of planes and helicopters flying overhead during your visit? All of these signs may indicate that you should keep shopping.
Personal Compatibility
A property that is in top condition for a reasonable price may still not be the best choice for your household. Look beyond the staged furniture setup, so you may determine whether a home truly meets your needs in terms of space, layout, and features. Also, take into account the location and how that will affect your daily commute, as well as your access to grocery stores, retail shops, schools, and restaurants.
Thinking Before You Leap
Shopping for a new home can be exhausting, so you may be tempted to jump on the first property that seems suitable. You can avoid making a costly mistake by exercising some patience and inspecting a place as thoroughly as you can.
Home Inspection Company Serving Northern & Southern California
Keep in mind that a professional home inspection can reveal issues you might never find yourself – until it’s too late. HomeGuard provides home inspections in San Diego and home inspections in San Jose, helping residents to make informed buying decisions about local properties. Call us at (855) 331-1900, or feel free to contact us online for assistance.