Who is Involved in a Real Estate Transaction?

Home Inspectors, Realtors, and Many More!
If you are buying or selling a home for the first time, you may not be aware of how many people will be involved with the process. It is not unusual to assume that you might only be in communication with a real estate agent and a mortgage lender, but a broad array of other individuals will likely be needed. From repair contractors to an insurance agent to a home inspector, several people can help your real estate deal go smoothly.
Buyer and Seller
Obviously, a buyer and seller are the primary components of property transactions. In California, buyers and sellers are not required to meet, so you might only communicate via one or more agents.
Real Estate Agent/Broker and Insurance Agent
The next person or entity you will likely contact is a real estate agent. California allows for dual agency relationships, meaning that the buyer and seller may be represented by the same agent or broker.
An insurance agent should handle the details of your homeowner’s insurance during this time.
Lender and Trustee
If you are the buyer and do not plan to pay in full for your new home, you will require a lender. In addition, California is a “deed of trust state,” which means you will be signing a deed of trust instead of a mortgage. This involves your signing one or more promissory notes to be handed over to your lender. (Essentially, a promissory note is an IOU.) The title to the property is given to a third-party trustee until the loan has been paid. This third party is typically a title company.
Home Appraiser and Home Inspector
This process requires a home appraiser, who is ordered by the lender. The appraiser provides an objective estimate of the market value of the property. A home inspection company is also needed, so a professional inspector can assess whether there are structural problems or functional issues with the property.
The buyer is given a certain amount of time to find a home inspector. The buyer is also required to pay for both the appraisal and the inspection, but there may be times when the seller can opt to cover one or both of these costs.
Real Estate Attorney
California does not mandate that you use a real estate attorney, but you might want to consider this option anyway. This can be a helpful strategy if a real estate transaction is more complex than usual. Also, the laws may vary in different areas with regard to closing and escrow. Thus, you may wish to consult an attorney for clarification about who should handle such matters for you.
If you are the seller, you may need to hire various contractors. Your property might need maintenance and repairs, as well as some remodeling and landscaping. You might also benefit from using photographers and real estate stagers to maximize your home’s appeal to potential buyers.
Call HomeGuard for Quality Home Inspections from San Diego to the Bay Area
Buying or selling a home may be stressful, but it can also be one of the most exciting events of your life! To make it through the process, you will need the help of several professionals.
The team at HomeGuard Incorporated is experienced and ready to perform your home inspection. We also provide other essential home inspections, including roof inspection, termite inspection, pool inspection, and sewer lateral inspection.
Call us at (855) 331-1900, or contact us online for more details.