Mistakes to Avoid When Moving to a New Home

Are You Moving in the Bay Area or San Diego Area?
Moving to a new home can be as stressful as home buying itself. On the other hand, a move may also be exciting and even life-changing. Whether or not you welcome the change in front of you, navigating it strategically could make all the difference in your moving experience. By avoiding the following mistakes, you can make the moving process easier for your entire household.
Choosing the Wrong Movers
Be prepared to invest in a little time on research. By asking the right questions, you might protect yourself from hiring a dishonest or unqualified contractor. First, ask friends, family and acquaintances for referrals to movers they have used and appreciated. If no leads are available, you can consult various websites and reviews online. Be sure to use reputable sources when you do research online, and ask for references when you interview potential movers. Once you narrow down a few or several viable options, get quotes from all of them before you make a final decision.
Conversely, you should also avoid the pitfall of trying to do everything without help. Professionals could ultimately save you money in terms of applying their expertise to your relocation. They are also likely to get you moved much more quickly than you might on your own (or even with the help of friends).
Poor Timing/Planning
A successful move cannot generally be done at the last minute, so do not allow yourself to procrastinate. Instead, work on a few moving-related tasks each day to prevent being overwhelmed.
Make sure that you give yourself plenty of time to do everything that needs to be addressed, such as putting the utilities in your name and completing a change of address form at the post office.
You should also ensure that you have enough packing supplies for your belongings. Get plenty of boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap and labels. As you pack each box, remember to keep an ongoing inventory of it all. Apply corresponding labels to boxes to streamline the process of unpacking in your new home.
Taking Too Much With You
Countless people have too much stuff, and moving is the perfect time to shed yourself of things that have become obsolete in your life. You may want to take along your prized set of collector baseball cards from childhood, but you probably don’t need all of your old athletic uniforms. By donating and selling unwanted or unused items, you can purge your inventory before you even pack or move it.
Home Inspection Company in the Bay Area and San Diego Area
When you are shopping for a home or selling your current home, do not forget to hire a home inspector. HomeGuard Incorporated provides home inspections, roof inspections and termite inspections. We are happily serving San Diego, Sacramento, San Jose, Novato and the Bay Area. Call us at (855) 331-1900, or contact us online for more details.