Category: Home Inspections
Pre-Listing Inspections | Guest Blog by California Attorney
Before homeowners list their homes for sale, it absolutely crucial that they partake in a pre-listing inspection. This helps ensure that the owner and the buyer will not encounter future lawsuits in regards to nondisclosure. David Hamerslough provides further detail about the importance of pre-listing inspections below. David is a California attorney with a focus…
Easy Ways to Increase the Value of Your Home
When you are trying to sell your home, anything you can do to increase its value may be beneficial. Luckily, doing this does not require that you put in a great deal of money or time. By making a few improvements, it is possible to boost the appeal of your home – without breaking the…
Three Things Homebuyers Should Never Do
Buying a home can be an arduous process. Your goal is to find a home in the perfect neighborhood with as little hassle as possible. However, from looking at houses, scheduling your home inspections to securing a loan, you will have many details to consider. By following these home-buying “don’ts”, you could save some time…
What “Fixtures” Should Stay and What Might Go
One of the biggest disputes between the buyer and seller during a real estate transaction is determining and separating what fixtures are associated with the property itself, along with those that the sellers have a right to remove and take with them.
The High Cost of Ignoring Home Repairs
Skipping out on a few home repairs and maintenance can end up costing you a lot more in the long run. Regular home inspection and roof inspection helps you save.
Home Inspection & Maintenance Tips to Avoid Plumbing Problems
Northern California Home Inspectors provide tips for avoiding plumbing problems with preventative measures. Read for tips to prevent clogs, leaky faucets, & more.
What to Look for When Choosing a Home Inspector
Northern California home inspectors aren’t required to be certified. To ensure that an inspector you hire is competent is to look for ASHI or CREIA certified.
Spring Home Inspection: Clean, Maintain & Improve for a Healthier, Happier Home
Summer cooling costs can be quite high if home inspection and maintenance are ignored. Here are some helpful tips to avoid excessive costs in the summer.
Home Owner Disclosure of Non Water-Conserving Plumbing Fixtures
Single-family housing in Northern California must disclose lack of water-conserving plumbing fixtures (WCP) in home inspection reports if constructed before 1994.