Despite Revealing Home Inspections, Sacramento Buyers May Not Budget Enough for Home Maintenance

A home is the largest investment most people make in their lifetime. Home ownership gives you security and safety. Financially, you know how much your mortgage will be each month. There’s no landlord to kick you out because he’s selling the house. And, you have a vested interest in your community. However, with home ownership comes the responsibilities of repairs and maintenance. You can’t afford not to think about long-term maintenance of your home, but where do you start? Find a qualified Sacramento home inspection company to know what needs to be repaired and how long your systems will last.
Home Inspections help you identify what home repairs you need to consider
You may not be thinking about your roof needing to be replaced in 20 years, but it’s going to happen one day. Maybe your home is under warranty right now, so you’re not thinking about all the things that can go wrong. Your furnace could go out. Your garage door stops working. You’ll need equipment to clean your patio, your siding, and driveway. There are all types of systems inside your home that are going to break down. The list is too long for this article, but everything on your property is now your responsibility. When you have a performed before you buy it will help identify the condition of many major components and expose any immediate needs for repair, helping you to budget for the future.
How much should you budget for home repairs?
Most financial planners recommend saving 1 to 4 percent of your home’s value each year in an account for maintenance. If your home is worth $200K, you should have at least $2,000 up to $8,000 in your home maintenance account. Does that sound like a lot? It might be hard to find that in your budget, but would you rather save that money in an account for when you need it or pay the bank or credit card interest on the money you borrow to fix the problem?
Why be proactive instead of reactive?
Ben Franklin believed that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Annual maintenance, such as a Sacramento roof inspection, can save you hundreds or even thousands on maintenance costs. Taking care of your home and preventing problems will save you hours of stress and discomfort. Ignoring that small leak doesn’t make it go away, it simply makes the problem worse. Instead of having to replace one gasket, now you’re dealing with water damage, mold and mildew and replacing the floor if you let it go.
Home Inspection Helps Sacramento Home Owners Budget for Repairs
Use your budget to get an annual Sacramento termite inspection and periodic roof and home inspections to ensure small problems don’t turn into big ones. Don’t stress over repairs when you need to make them by creating a maintenance savings account for rainy days. It’s a nice way to enjoy your home, take care of it and relax when something does go wrong – and it will. HomeGuard performs home inspections throughout most of Northern California and the greater San Diego area including home, roof, and termite inspections in Sacramento. Contact us from our website, order online or call (855) 331-1900