Tag: resources for homeowners
Home Inspectors Share San Diego Real Estate Tips for Selling an Ugly Home
If you’re selling your San Diego real estate and it has visual flaws, do not despair. San Diego home inspection company tips to make your ugly house look great.
Adding Curb Appeal in the San Diego Real Estate Market
Before you put your home on the market and prepare to call a home inspection company in San Diego, these ideas will help you make updates to create curb appeal.
Choosing Colors for Every Room in Your Home
The choices you make for the color scheme of your Bay Area property could have a significant impact on the value of your home according to home inspectors.
Getting Real Estate Ready for Market by Decluttering Like a Pro
You want your potential buyer to fall in love with your home before they order a home inspection. Decluttering is a wise step to take before you hire a home inspector. Consider the following steps to help declutter your home like a pro.
Avoid DIY Renovation Mistakes. Tips from Your California Home Inspector
By avoiding some of the most common DIY renovation mistakes, you may ensure that a home inspection won’t cause undue stress and the planning and production phases go smoothly.
New Flood Hazard Zone Maps Being Released in Alameda County
Homeowners should contact their insurance agent to confirm whether a change in their coverage is needed as future NHD reports will include updated flood zone maps.
Home Inspector’s Tips to Declutter Your Home in a Day
When you need to get your home ready for a home inspection, for sale, or simply have house guests on the way, you might realize that you’ve been letting clutter build up and get out of hand. Declutter with our helpful tips and organization tricks.
But The Seller Lied… | Guest Blog by California Attorney
Buyers have closed escrow and are introducing themselves to their new neighbor. The neighbor asks the buyers whether the sellers disclosed that during the listing of the property, a garden hose was run from inside the house out through the front window to discharge water from the crawlspace.
Northern California Home Inspection Company Shares 10 Cleaning Tasks That Take 5 Minutes or Less
Is your home inspection ready? Here are 10 simple cleaning tips to a home that will shine for a Northern California home inspection.