Tag: termite info
California Termite Inspectors Reveal The Real Cost of Termites
Termites can be destructive, as termite inspections from San Diego to Sacramento know, but many people underestimate exactly how much damage these pests can do.
Termite Inspections are Essential – San Jose & Sacramento Make Top 25 Nationwide for Termite Risk
Termite inspectors in Sacramento and San Jose have their work cut out for them. Household pests can wreak havoc in any home, and termites are particularly insidious.
The Termite Home Invasion Timeline
There is a reason the termite is known as ‘the secret destroyer’. This is because it latches onto areas of weakness and eats its way into wood, paper products, and pretty much everything except metal. The problem is that you as the homeowner may not notice that something could be amiss, which is why it…