Homeguard Blog
Additional Revisions To The C.A.R. Residential Purchase Agreement (RPA)
In this month’s article California real estate attorneys will complete the discussion of recent revisions to the CAR RP agreement.
Do Home Inspections Check For Asbestos?
Asbestos was used in homes built before the 1980s. Home inspections in Long Beach are important when buying a home, especially an older home.
California Home Inspection Company Shares CAR RPA Update
C.A.R. typically revises its forms, including the Residential Purchase Agreement (“ RPA”) in December. This article will discuss some of the anticipated revisions.
The Biggest Deal Breakers in a Real Estate Transaction
Avoid a broken real estate transaction. Get home inspections in Buena Park so you don’t miss big problems that could be very problematic once the home is sold.
Top “Gotchas” For Buyers and Sellers In Today’s Real Estate Market
Unfortunately, “gotchas” often result in buyers and sellers having to adjust their expectations, which in turn can cause them to bring claims against each other
Realtors Will Need to Make Connections With Contractors
Professional home inspections in Anaheim can help buyers make good home purchase decisions but contractors will be needed to fix any issues.
“The Absence of Loan Terms in the Financing Clause has No Potential Impact on the Buyer or Seller” and Other Urban Myths in Today’s Real Estate Market
This list is by no means complete, nor is the reality a substitute for a thorough analysis of the facts, law, and equities associated with any situation.
Home Repairs & Finances: Here’s How to Navigate Both
Home inspections can alleviate some of this but home repairs are often met with unexpected obstacles so prepare mentally and financially for whatever may occur.
“Nothing To Note” (Looking But Not Seeing?)
Do real estate licensees spend as much time on their visual inspection reports of a property as we all do when scrutinizing ourselves?