Homeguard Blog
“The Absence of Loan Terms in the Financing Clause has No Potential Impact on the Buyer or Seller” and Other Urban Myths in Today’s Real Estate Market
This list is by no means complete, nor is the reality a substitute for a thorough analysis of the facts, law, and equities associated with any situation.
Home Repairs & Finances: Here’s How to Navigate Both
Home inspections can alleviate some of this but home repairs are often met with unexpected obstacles so prepare mentally and financially for whatever may occur.
“Nothing To Note” (Looking But Not Seeing?)
Do real estate licensees spend as much time on their visual inspection reports of a property as we all do when scrutinizing ourselves?
Southern California Home Inspections – A Buyer’s Best Friend
Home inspections in Inglewood are essential for people who want to sell their houses in case upgrades are necessary to get the properties in better condition.
Home Inspections in Irvine Are an Essential Resource and Planning Tool
The purpose of general home inspections in Irvine is to identify potential and existing issues. A professional inspector will examine a home from top to bottom.
Why Choose a C.A.R. Certified Home Inspection Company in Orange
The California Association of Realtors (CAR) recommends using a home inspector that has the education and training behind them to do home inspections in Orange.
Does The C.A.R. Contract Reward A Buyer Who Fails To Make Their Initial Deposit?
HomeGuard Incorporated provides home inspections, roof inspections, termite inspections, sewer lateral inspections, and pool/spa inspections as well as Natural Hazard Disclosure reports for realtors.
Save Water Without Letting Your Beautiful Landscape Design Go
Save water by choosing the right plants and watering the right way. Ask about home inspections in San Diego if you’re thinking of buying or selling your home.
Looking for Real Estate in Southern California?
One piece of advice for any buyer is to schedule home inspections in San Diego before you get your heart set on a particular property.